With the help of a few readers, I revamped Exolymph’s Patreon page! There are now three main supporter tiers:

  • $1 monthly: Undying gratitude + Exolymph continues indefinitely.
  • $5 monthly: Your name (or pseudonym) listed on the Exolymph support page!
  • $10 monthly: Currently, $10 patrons get to pick a topic for Exolymph to cover (must be relevant to cyberpunk or futurism). BUT when I hit $135 per month, patrons at this level will receive an exclusive short story every month. It will be at least 5,000 words long, which is a twenty-minute read for most people.

I also came up with $20 and $50 rewards in case anyone is feeling REALLY generous. Go check ’em all out.

I have a small goal to start with. When I reach $30 per month, I can upgrade my MailChimp account and disable click-tracking on links! (MailChimp requires link-tracking on free accounts. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel scummy.)

Like I usually say at the end, even if you don’t want to pitch in or can’t afford to, you are still 100% welcome here and I’m grateful for your readership ❤

THAT SAID, more money would be great. I don’t earn a lot and it would make a difference in my life if even five or ten of you decided to donate.